0455 924 028 | Open 5am - 7pm Mon - Fri. Sat: 5am to 5pm. Closed Sundays and Public Holidays

    1. Business Details
    1. Sole TraderPartnershipCompanyTrading TrustGovernment Authority
    Business Addres
    Business Postal Addres
    2. Type of Business
    3. Trade/Business References (Three Major Suppliers) Business One
    Business Two
    Business Three
    4. Details of Sole Trader/Partners/Directors or Trustees
    1. OwnedRentedMortgaged
    2. All account information is secured with our SSL Certification Protocol. Your details will not be shared.
    5. Credit limit Request
    1. Please note: If credit limit exceeds $5,000 we will also require financials. Please see Section 6 below.
    6. Assets and Liabilities of Business
      Attach copy of. your latest Financial Statements including Csh Flow/Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet
    7. Signatures and Authorisations
      Upload File
    1. Privacy Notice
    2. We collect your personal information so we can assess your application for a Gateway Express Truck Wash Credit Account We will be unable to assess your application or provide you with access to a Business Credit Account without all or part of the personal and other information we require In order to assess your application for credit you hereby consent to your personal information being disclosed to third parties. This may include disclosure on the Personal Property Security Register, to reporting agencies (eg Veda Advantage), companies who provide commercial credit references (eg Dunn and Bradstreet), people you authorise us to contact in connection with this application or any approved Business Credit Account, Mercantile Agencies and other Companies, who provide outsourced services to us Subject to certain exceptions allowed by law you may request access to your personal information while it is stored by us. We will give you reasons where we deny you access With your implied consent we may use your personal information to tell you about other Gateway Express Truck Wash services and offers we may think will be of benefit to you.

    Brisbane Express Truck Wash at Nudgee is 20 times faster and a fully automatic wash, from a 2 tonne van through to B-Double configurations, cranes and other machinery in 8 to 12 minutess. No booking and No Queues as we can wash fully loaded carriers with driver inside the vehicle. Our wash will cater for most vehicles and has inter clean technology. Fleet accounts are available. Gateway Express Truck Wash is located behind Shell at Nudgee Service Centre off Exit 112 on the Gateway Motorway.

    Contact Us