0455 924 028 | Open 5am - 7pm Mon - Fri. Sat: 5am to 5pm. Closed Sundays and Public Holidays

Trading Hours

5am – 7pm Monday – Friday

Saturday 5am – 5pm

Sunday Closed

Public Holidays Closed

See it in action

Our “State of the Art” Truck wash in action can be seen by clicking the button below.

No Hidden Charges

Buses, Cranes, Agitators and Compactors included.

Service vehicles up to 4.4m high included.

Brisbane Express Truck Wash

We are a Brisbane Express Truck Wash that can offer Business Credit Accounts.

5am – 7pm Mon – Friday

Saturday 5am – 5pm

Sunday & Public Holidays Closed

No Waiting

1097 Nudgee Road, Nudgee, Queensland. Exit 112 North or South on gateway Motorway

The Service Centre has takeaway, meals and showers/toilets and lounge area

Convenient Hours

We are open from 5am – 7pm Monday to Friday, Saturday from 5am – 5pm every week. Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays.

Vehicles from a 2 tonne van through to a B-Double for a full wash, a normal semi-trailer wash will take 20 minutes and a B-Double approximately 30 minutes.

Affordable Price

We offer Business Credit Accounts, which allow the operator to enter the Truck Wash without making a Payment. 

Excellent Service

At Gateway Express Truck Wash we believe in the strengthening of relationships we build with our customers. Read more to see all the benefits of using us.

Brisbane Gateway Express Truck Wash is Located at Exit 112 on the M1

Why Choose Us?

The Express Truck Wash will cater for most vehicles from a 2 tonne van through to B-Double configurations, cranes and other machinery. A normal semi-trailer wash will take approximately 27 minutes for a full wash and a B-Double approximately 60 minutes.

Up to 20 times faster than any typical hand wash facility

No need to book or have your vehicle off the road for days

We can also wash fully loaded carriers (must be secured and waterproof)
Driver does not have to leave the vehicle

Shell Service Centre

Nudgee Road, Nudgee, Queensland
Off Exit 112, Gateway Motorway

0455 924 028



All pricing includes GST


Medium Rigid Vehicles

Any configurations up to 8.8m

Includes Small Buses, Vans, and Motorhomes




All configurations up to 26m

Includes and Truck and Trailer Combination



Heavy Rigid/Prime Mover

Any Configurations up to 12.5m

Inlcudes Dual Steer and Larger Buses, Cranes and Service Type Vehicles




Single or B-Double Tanker up to 19m



Semi/Truck & Trailer

Any configurations up to 19m

Includes and Truck and Trailer Combination



B-Double Tanker

Any configurations up to 26m



Agitators, Compactors, Buses, Cranes

Car Carriers, Caravans, Motorhomes, Tippers, and Tow Trucks

Services Vehicles up to 4.4m high

Business Accounts Welcome

Fast Wash
Only minutes to complete the wash
Total Security
Driver stays in vehicle during wash
Vehicle Downtime Eliminated
No queues
No Booking or Waiting
Just drive up for a wash
Environmentally Friendly
Quality environmentally friendly cleaning products used – safe for vehicles.

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